The countdown!

31 Jan

I honestly can’t believe as I am writing this we are less than 3 weeks away from going to Trinidad. As I look back on the last few months I am blown away by God’s guidance. There were a few things that needed to happen and unbelievably, everything has come together seamlessly. I had been praying that if we weren’t supposed to do this, something would not work.

Here is the timeline of how well things worked:
Filed for a passport: got the passport 13 days later
Raising money (which I thought would be the hardest part): raised $59,000 in 24 days!
We thought we were going to india(a 16 hour flight) then before we bought tickets found out we could go to Trinidad, a much better flight.
The only hang up we had was getting my medical records. I was frustrated by the way they handled this, basically they forgot to mail them, so after a few weeks we had to drive down to pick them up. God was protecting me, because we didn’t get the records right away, we weren’t able to send them, because of that, we weren’t officially signed up and that was how we got to go to Trinidad.
All I can think seeing all of this: God is faithful.

Thank you all for your prayers and support. I’m so excited to finally try something proactive for my MS. I don’t fully know what the stem cells will do, but I’m excited to try.

One Response to “The countdown!”

  1. Dawn January 31, 2015 at 7:21 pm #

    So very excited to see God opening and shutting just the right doors in just the right time!!! Now praying He continues to do amazing things…knowing His “Yes,” “No,” or “Better” are always…BETTER! 🙂

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