My 2015 words to live by

30 Dec

“For everything that has been, thank you. For everything that will be… Yes!”

Every year I like to pick a word to try to live by that year. I had picked the word trust for 2015 and then I saw that quote, which I think perfectly sums up my heart going into this year. The last 11 years have been really hard, but I am so grateful and thankful for how God has met me every (literal) step of the way and even when I couldn’t step, He has always been there.

This year is bringing new things with the stem cells, I have no idea what they are going to do. I want full healing. But, I am simply going to open my hands and say “Yes” and trust God in the whole process. Proverbs 3:5-6 says it better than I ever could “trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path.”

If I could humbly ask for anything, please pray that verse stays in my heart. That when times get tough, I will continue to trust God no matter what is happening. That my heart will not lose faith and trust in Him!

I would encourage all of you to find your own word or phrase for the new year, it is so much better than resolutions.

You have no idea the amount of love & support I have felt from everyone. Please share the link with everyone, not just for money, but I love getting my story out there. I have already been connected with a few others fighting MS through it. We are all in this fight together:

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